2D-Hydraulic Modeling of the Rossum Drive Reach of the Big Thompson Flood Recovery
In September of 2013 devastating flooding wrecked havoc in Colorado's northern front range. In 2016, I developed a 2D hydraulic model
of a portion of the Big Thompson river that had been heavily impacted. Of note, a large pond had been filled with sediment and a local
pumpkin patch and golf course were flooded.
This modeling work explored three scenarios; 1. As-is streamflow response, 2. Adding a single auxillary channgel, and 3. Adding two auxillary channels.
I did not have streamflow to calibrate to, so instead, used observations from an engineer with the City of Loveland. This way, we
were able to calibrate based on observed inundation at a known flows.
Velocity and shear stress from the model were used by a colleague to design bank stabilization using the willow-post method.
Our senior design team was awarded
first place at CSU's Senior Design Showcase in Spring 2016.
Model results at various discharges. As-Is, 1 Channel, 2 Channels, with overview, and zoom on channels.
Simulations generated using
SRH-2D with
AQUAVEO's Surface-Water Modeling System.
I recommend playing at 2X, or skipping ahead manually. This video is long. These timestamps are not linked,
but can guide you to a specific portion of the video.
0:00: As-Is Overhead - 0:59: Alt1 Overhead - 2:06 Alt2 Overhead - 3:59: Alt2 Zoomed - 5:04: Channel
1 Detailed - 5:30: Channel 2 Detailed